WEBINAR “Using technology advancement to better manage Responsible Gambling”

Pe 1 noiembrie, incepand cu 10.00 a.m. CET (11:00 a.m. ora locala), va avea loc webinarul cu tema “Using technology advancement to better manage Responsible Gambling”, organizat de AOJND și EGBA.

Asociații de profil, specialiști, companii și autorități se reunesc pentru a dezbate impactul și potențialul dezvoltării tehnologice asupra jocurilor de noroc și care sunt cele mai bune modalități de reglementare și promovare a jocului responsabil. Abordarea domeniului jocului responsabil devine tot mai complexă iar tehnologia poate susține semnificativ siguranța în acest domeniu.

Acest webinar este organizat de AOJND in cadrul  European Safer Gambling Week 2021.

On November 1, starting with 10.00 am CET, Remote Gambling Operators Association (AOJND) in partnership with European Gaming and Betting Association (EGBA) will host the webinar “Using technology advancement to better manage Responsible Gambling”.

This webinar is organised by AOJND as part of European Safer Gambling Week 2021.

An exciting discussion that brings together associations, gambling companies, regulatory authorities and the wider public to share knowledge and debate the increasingly important role of technology in strengthening the industry’s efforts to promote safer gambling.

The webinar will be joined by Romanian and international experts in gambling:
Dragoș PREDA – Secretary of State, Ministry of Communications and Information
Maarten HAIJER – Secretary General, European Gaming and Betting Association
Joseph CUSCHIERI – Former MEP and Chairman of Malta Gaming Authority, Gambling
Affairs Expert;
Lucian PRISECARU – CEO Kindred Group Romania
Odeta NESTOR – President, Remote Gambling Operators Association (AOJND)
Moderator – Cristi CRETAN, Vice-President of Remote Gambling Operators Association (AOJND).

The webinar will be hosted on Google Meet platform.

Google Meet joining info
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/nqu-amgz-hjr
Or dial:
More phone numbers: https://tel.meet/nqu-amgz-hjr?pin=8216696235003


Lista membri AOJND in Romania